Leadership is a key value to Alpha Phi Omega. We develop our brothers' leadership skills through planning and executing a number of service projects and fellowships, holding leadership positions on the executive board or in a committee, or having the chance to participate in a variety of leadership development programs which we sponsor.
Leadership Opportunities
Join our Executive Board
Become a Fambassador
Attend Workshops
Coordinate a Fellowship/Service Event
Be part of a Committee
L.F.S. Spotlights
L.F.S. Spotlights are brothers that are recognized for showcasing one of APO’s three pillars: Leadership, Friendship, and Service.
Priya Prathima
"Priya is super passionate about all of the service events she's been to, and took a leadership role in coordinating an event when others weren't able, even though it was her first time. She always comes to events full of great ideas and we can tell she's super enthusiastic about APO and helping people, which is why we nominated her for Service/Leadership spotlight."
Mickey Sloat
"Mickey Sloat has coordinated several creative fellowships this semester. Additionally, she has been the coordinator for Club 1111. She is a leader with a vision to create an inclusive and fun community within APO! Thank you Mickey for your leadership in friendship and service."
Meet the
Leadership VPs
Hi my name is Albert and I will be one of your Leadership VPs this semester! I'm excited to bring together lots of speakers from across campus and the community to present to the fraternity!
Leadership VP
Hi! My name is Ian Chiu, and I am one of the Leadership VPs this semester. I joined APO my freshman fall, and have since really enjoyed all the facets of APO, such as the different leadership and service opportunities. As a leadership VP, I will be responsible for planning and organizing workshops, assigning committees, and increasing awareness and participation within the Baltimore community. I look forward to working with all brothers and pledges to deliver interesting and useful workshops!